
General Approach

Most of the time your mobile web application is just a mobile version of the regular web application, so we recommend that you develop your regular web application first without worrying too much about its mobile incarnation. Once your regular Aware IM application is ready you should carefully think through which features of the application would be available on mobile devices.

Once you know which features of your regular application you are going to expose to mobile devices you should make changes to your Aware IM configuration elements to support mobile capabilities. Some of your configuration elements, such as business objects, business rules, notifications and access levels do not need to be changed as you would only need to change those elements that are presented to the user (such as visual perspectives, forms, queries and some processes that involve interaction with the user). Some of these elements will work as is on your mobile devices, but for some you may want to provide a mobile-specific variation.

In the following sections we will describe how to create or change configuration elements so that they look good on mobile devices.