Video Advice Wanted

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Video Advice Wanted

Post by Jhstephenson »

The app I am working on right now has as part of it the ability to link media files to case records. Pictures are no big deal, but video is a problem. Some of the videos are 4 to 5 gig in size and take forever to upload to the system and to bring up for viewing.

I am looking for any options available to speed up this process.

The upload part of it, I am guessing we live with what we have because these are freaking huge files (Body Cam Video files).

But for the viewing part of it, I am wondering if there is a way we can stream it and start showing the video before it has loaded the whole file.

Any ideas?

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Re: Video Advice Wanted

Post by BenHayat »

Jim, WHY are you or users uploading files? That's the 90's system.
Open up a Pro account with Vimeo that provides you great HTML video player that you can use in Aware using iFrame and you can have all the player's parameters in System Settings.

Or you can search for Video CDN for best pricing, storage and etc. All you need is to store link to the video i your record and then use the link to play back. All the bandwidth usage is part of your monthly CDN cost.

If each of your customers require to have their own secure group of videos, Vimeo and others can offer sub-account or simply you can have your customer to create their account and allow you to upload to their account and then get the link to the video. But forget about "Uploading" to user's computer or device, UNLESS you have a very strong reason.
Posts: 303
Joined: Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:44 pm

Re: Video Advice Wanted

Post by Jhstephenson »

That is an interesting thought.

But, is Vimeo HIPAA compliant? Also, most of these are highly confidential Body Cam and Case Investigation videos. Does Vimeo allow for the security requirements that would go with that?
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Location: Fla, USA

Re: Video Advice Wanted

Post by BenHayat »

Jhstephenson wrote:That is an interesting thought.

But, is Vimeo HIPAA compliant? Also, most of these are highly confidential Body Cam and Case Investigation videos. Does Vimeo allow for the security requirements that would go with that?
I had mine as "Private" Channel so no one could access them. However you should contact Vimeo.

Vimeo was just an example I used for the case of using CDN. There are many companies who offer with different flavors and feature. But in general CDN is your direction for performance, capability and cost. As mostly offer great HTML player to run on desktop and Mobile.
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