{{tag>Index Action Action_List Business_Object Process References Lists}} ====== REPLACE ====== This action replaces an instance of a business object from a reference list of another object with some other instances. ===== Syntax ===== ''REPLACE'' AttributeIdentifier() ''IN'' AttributeIdentifier() ''WITH'' AttributeIdentifier() where the first Attribute Identifier indicates the object to replace, the second one – the list to remove from and the third one the object to be inserted. This action can be especially useful when combined with the ''This'' and ''That'' prefixes (see also “[[docs:2000_concepts:0800_data_processing:0100_rule_evaluation:0800_context_rule_execution:0200_instance_prefixes|Instance Prefixes]]” section). ===== Example ===== REPLACE ThisTransaction IN Account.Transactions WITH ThatTransaction