wish: Time Picker

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wish: Time Picker

Post by tkilshaw »

the time picker shows a popup menu for the month, a left clickable for the year before, a right clickable for the year after, a month view with selectable weekdays and a rather complex mechanism for selecting the hour and minute.

I'd like to see the Year become a popup or easier mechanism, so that you don't have to clcik 55 times to get to someone's birthday.

I'd also like to see a radio set with 24 buttons, one for each hour and a radio set with four buttons: 0, 15, 30, and 45, or maybe with 12: 0, 5, 10 etc.

It is vital, I think, to make setting dates and times as easy as possible. The current timepicker is clumsy to use, requires too many clicks, and is particularly painfull to use to set up an appoinment for 3.15 and the like.

Using this approach, assuming the month is correct they can click on the day, hour, and minute, then they are done.

I know I have mentioned this sort of thing before. But the notion of the radio sets is new.

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Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:36 am

Post by aware_support »


thank you for your feedback. We will add it to our TODO list.

Best Regards
Aware IM Support Team
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