Wishlist: charts on forms

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Post by hpl123 »

It would be nice to have the OPTION to use google charts but I still think focus should be on the extjs "base charts" i.e. fixing potential bugs, further developed options etc.
Henrik (V8 Developer Ed. - Windows)
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Post by nlarson »

I don't see many bugs, but i also don't consider Bugs fixing a road map item...
For me sorting this offers variety, flexibility, and look.

Focusing just on charts is also a bit myopic since a fix here would also clear the path to fast & dynamic integration of other js toolkits, which is a huge win. It would allow passing data dynamically to a modern reporting tool, or dashboard tools, etc.

Also, they will work offline in the same way as EXT if you want to put in the effort to host the js locally, not hard to do.

Just my 2 cents.
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Post by RLJB »

Hey nlarson, you seem to have thought about this a lot, any thoughts about how easy it would be to generate the data in the required google format for the google charts?

I have had a quick flick through some of the examples, there seems to be some challenges involved in laying out the data in the correct format, eg a simple pie chart, you would need to know the number of slices to prepare the text correctly.... Your thoughts?
Rod. Aware 8.6 (latest build), Developer Edition, on OS Linux (Ubuntu) using GUI hosted on AWS EC2, MYSQL on AWS RDS
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Post by Rennur »

https://developers.google.com/chart/int ... aq#offline

Can I use charts offline?
No; your computer must have live access to http://www.google.com/jsapi in order to use charts. This is because the visualization libraries that your page requires are loaded dynamically before you use them. The code for loading the appropriate library is part of the included jsapi script, and is called when you invoke the google.load() method. Our terms of service do not allow you to download the google.load or google.visualization code to use offline.
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Post by nlarson »

RLJB wrote:Your thoughts?
super easy. Here is the variable portion of the code for a guage chart with fully dynamic options for Columns, Title, Size and Data. In theory you could make the size reactive to a users screen resolution and entirely based on individualized data, but in likely 'real world use'I would not make all the options dynamic since there is rare need to make all options dynamic.

var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('string', '<<Bo.AttributeColumn>>');
data.addColumn('number', '<<Bo.AttributeColumn2>>');
['<<Bo.AttributeLabel1>>', <<Bo.AttributeValue1>>],
['<<Bo.AttributeLabel2>>', <<Bo.AttributeValue2>>],
['<<Bo.AttributeLabel3>>', <<Bo.AttributeValue3>>],
['etc.', ect.],

var options = {'title':'<<Bo.AttributeTitle>>',

Rennur wrote:https://developers.google.com/chart/int ... aq#offline

Can I use charts offline?
Our terms of service do not allow you to download the google.load or google.visualization code to use offline.
Oh, you meant within the terms of the ToS? :twisted: :lol: As I said, charts or even google.load a myopic use case. The limitation is large, the solution should be simple, the upside is substantial - but meh... just one man's opinion.
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Post by tford »

Sample BSV from 2009 showing Fusion Charts code being generated by AwareIM:


Perhaps some of these concepts will be helpful if/when Google charts become a possibility in AwareIM.
Tom - V8.8 build 3137 - MySql / PostGres
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Post by RLJB »

Thanks nlarson, but I think it illustrates my point, the etc etc part in your example, you MUST know the exact number of rows to put in there. This is ok you do know this info often, but not always....

Anyways I'm in agreement with you, I want to dashboard, and the aware charts just don't have all the options you need to do this. So google charts would be great, the offline issue is no concern to us.
Rod. Aware 8.6 (latest build), Developer Edition, on OS Linux (Ubuntu) using GUI hosted on AWS EC2, MYSQL on AWS RDS
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Post by nlarson »

Oh, you mean in a reference attribute? In that case - While you might not know the number of rows for a ref - at the instant execution the number of rows is ALWAYS finite and known. Requires a modified different approach, but not by much.
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