Internet Explorer 7

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Internet Explorer 7

Post by john »


My question is more of a general nature and is not urgent by any means. I was just wondering if you have found any problems using Aware IM with Internet Explorer 7. I have experienced problems using multiple tabs in this particular web browser (I havent really checked the others I must admit). The system seems to get confused with what information it is sending to which particular session and I get a mix of both sessions in both tabs. I thought it may have just been a freak occurance but it has happened a few times?

Admitidly I would only want the users of my system logged in once from any PC if that makes sense so I will need to come up with a way holding a record of the currently logged in users (I have seen that somewhere in this forum before but if you have this information to hand that maybe useful to me)

I suppose my question is have you noticed any of these problems yourselvs? (I imagine you guys must be up to date with your web browsers) If so, is the solution going to be to restrict the number of concurent users or are later versions more stable? I am using Build 922

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Post by aware_support »

Are you trying to run multiple sessions on one PC?

If so, then this problem has nothing to do with a particular browser and is likely to happen in any web application (not just Aware IM). The bottom line is - do not use multiple browsers on the same PC.
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Post by john »

Yes during testing I do run multiple sessions from one PC as I several Visual Perspectaves, it is quicker for me to test how the infortmation interacts with all of the different users I expect to have. Baring in mind it takes me now around ten minutes per Visual Perspectave just to login when I have made a change to the system. . . .

I myself am still running Internet Explorer 6 and have never experienced any of the problems found. The only difference is the fact that the new version has tabs instead of multiple web windows? Surely this indicates that there is a difference?

I do appreciate what your saying about not runnig more than one session from one PC however, but there is nothing to stop a user doing this?

Could you point me in the right direction of a way of restricting the number of concurent users logged in with the same username, this wil resolve he issue for me

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Post by aware_support »

There is no need for users to run several sessions from the same PC. Running sessions from different PC's should never ever cause such a problem.

If you are doing this for testing purposes, then you have to live with the consequences or use a browser that does not tend to exhibit the problem. Obviously there is some difference between IE 6.0 and 7.0 and the latter is probably more susceptible to exhibiting this problem, but like I said, the problem is unpredictable and can happen with any web application and any web browser.
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Post by john »


my question was can you show me how to only allow one user of a given login name to be logged in at any one time?

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Post by aware_support »

I don't think you need to do it but if you really want to then this is the idea:

1. You need to register logged in users - create a special object for this (e.g. RegisteredUser). Then add instances of this object in rules of the login notification and delete instances in rules of the logout notification
2. Write a process that would check this:
IF EXISTS RegisteredUser WHERE (RegisteredUser.LoginName = LoggedInSystemUser.LoginName) REPORT ERROR 'User with this name is already registered'
3. Mark this process as 'initialization process' in the visual perspective
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Logged In Status

Post by autonomy2 »

Hi All.

Has anyone had any success in trying to implement the suggested idea from support for the following:

1. You need to register logged in users - create a special object for this (e.g. RegisteredUser). Then add instances of this object in rules of the login notification and delete instances in rules of the logout notification
2. Write a process that would check this:
IF EXISTS RegisteredUser WHERE (RegisteredUser.LoginName = LoggedInSystemUser.LoginName) REPORT ERROR 'User with this name is already registered'
3. Mark this process as 'initialization process' in the visual perspective

In trying this, it seems to fire off the login notification first and then the initialization process, resulting in REPORT ERROR. I can't even log in under one name for one session.

I've tried adding an attribute "LoggedInStatus" with choices "IN" , "OUT" under Regular Users, where the initialization process if successful, updates the LoggedInSystemUser.LoggedInStatus to "IN". A rule in the logout notification updates the status to "OUT" when fired.

When testing this out and openning another session (whilst the first session is already open) seems to fire the logout notification rule "LoggedInSystemUser.LoggedInStatus='OUT' without executing any other attached rules.

This affects my first open session as my logged in status has been changed to "OUT" by the previous login attempt.
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Post by tford »


I have been successful in keeping a BO that tracks OnLineUsers but have not extended it to report errors when someone is trying to log in to a user that is already using the system.

I have also established some notification events that optionally sends email to an administrator when certain unusual login type events occur.

Are you trying to allow a user to run 2 concurrent sessions in 1 browser or are you trying to make sure 1 user can only be logged in to 1 session at a time?

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Limiting sessions

Post by autonomy2 »

Hi tford.

Yes, am trying to limit users to one session only / or force logoff on one active session.
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Post by tford »


Is there a way to force logout an existing session? I don't remember seeing any function to do that.

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