
If you have questions or if you want to share your opinion about Aware IM post your message on this forum
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Post by tford »

So with V7, AwareIM release responsive web application builder. Very slick indeed.

I've been using AwareIM almost 9 years now (AwareIM birthday coming up in a month) and the one thing that I can point to above all other is the responsiveness of Vladmir and the support team. Quite remarkable.

When I first discovered AwareIM, it was after trialing many other products and being frustrated by a wide variety of factors in those products including lack of needed functionality & cost / benefit ration too high. But most of all, I found that most other support teams would blow off my questions about their possible tweaks to their functionality.

Not Vladimir & the AwareIM team. They were responsive!

My gut feeling after interacting with the support team 9 years ago was that they are actually listening to their customers AND willing to take feedback into account to improve their tool. What a novel idea.

Well, my gut feeling was right. Their history of improving their product's functionality over the last years is remarkable!

To give you a peak at the past, take a look at the olden days of the changelog beginning with V3:

Keep up the great work Vladimir!
Tom - V8.8 build 3137 - MySql / PostGres
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Re: Responsiveness

Post by RocketRod »

I concur with everything you have said Tom.

I have been testing the new Beta so when it was released took the plunge straight away. Only two things were needed to be worked out, one which is the web folder renaming and secondly appointment BO' have three new attributes so you have to republish your app to get them added. I have just spent the last 30 minutes playing with one very large app and so far everything is working. Yes there are form tweaks I'm going to have to do but I can't believe that I have upgraded my app in 30 minutes and it works! When you remember that AwareIM have made huge internal changes to the product its just an unbelievable achievement. I have been in IT for 40 years, yes I go back to card punch machines, and this product and the Company behind it are amazing.

Well done guys.

Cheers Rod
Posts: 7536
Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:36 am

Re: Responsiveness

Post by aware_support »

Thank you, gentlemen! We are indeed very proud of version 7.0. It is by far our best yet.
Aware IM Support Team
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Joined: Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:44 pm

Re: Responsiveness

Post by Powerm »

I have tried other RAD tools an paid developers or so said developers when I started around 8 years ago. Thanks to the team to giving us a future proof product, it is always sad and bad to loose time and money in bad support products.
Log life to AwareIM ! :D
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Re: Responsiveness

Post by hpl123 »

I can only get in line, great support, great product and v7 is fantastic and a real achievement. Awaresoft, you should consider changing the name of Aware IM to RADKING :).

Kudos again and again and looking forward to first of all get deep into v7 but also to see what other great places RADKING takes us...
Henrik (V8 Developer Ed. - Windows)
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Re: Responsiveness

Post by aware_support »

Thank you!
Aware IM Support Team
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Re: Responsiveness

Post by BenHayat »

This is what happens when the original developer/architect is still 100% in charge of the product and he doesn't have some finance or marketing guy over his shoulder telling him what to do or not to do.

I remember, when the original architect of Magic was in charge, we had a great product. Soon a bunch of greedy people bought into the company and the product lost it's soul.

During V7 beta, I had full interaction with Vlad 7 days a week. He showed responsiveness and passion and that kept me going.

I wish more prospects would appreciate of this and jump in and build great apps.
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Re: Responsiveness

Post by customaware »

Ditto. Ditto.

Most responsive support I have ever experienced.

Also, to be able to hold a Conference where the mastermind behind
the product is there front and center to meet face to face with developers
and listen first hand to their questions.....

AwareIM 6.0, 8.7, 8.8, 9.0 , MariaDB, Windows 10, Ubuntu Linux. Theme: Default, Browser: Arc
Upcloud, Obsidian....
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Re: Responsiveness

Post by rob_h7 »

Are we all confirming we're getting matching AwareIM tattoo's in Bali?
Rob . Aware 8.4 (build 2718), Developer Edition, using Linux, MYSQL
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