Oath 2.0 URL Encoding of Scopes

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Oath 2.0 URL Encoding of Scopes

Post by syndeo »

I have an API that requires scopes to be set as follows:

scope1:value+scope2:value+scope3:value and so on

when AwareIM sends the request it is url encoded.

the API doesn't like this. Is there any way we can change this?

I note that the rest of the request string is ok to be url encoded, just not the scope.

Version 8.8 Build 3137
Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:43 am

Re: Oath 2.0 URL Encoding of Scopes

Post by syndeo »

I have worked this out for those who also found this problem.

the scope items should be separated with a space

scope1:value scope2:value scope3:value
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