Number formats in group summaries

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Number formats in group summaries

Post by rocketman »

I have a query with groups and want to do a summary of an attribute Total_Value, the default format of which is as currency with the currency symbol taken from the locale,

so each line is correct as £xxx.xx or $xx,xx or whatever, but the summary contains no currency symbol and lots of decimal places as in 192.05999999901. I've searched the manuals and this forum and can't see a way of replacing {value} with something that will give me what I need which would be £192.06

Can this be achieved?

V8.7 Developer Edition. Server 2016 Standard edition. MySql 5.5
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Re: Number formats in group summaries

Post by rocketman »

How strange .... the lots of decimal places thing has just fixed itself (I did nothing - honest) So now it's useable but I'd still quite like the currency symbol if anyone knows how to do this

V8.7 Developer Edition. Server 2016 Standard edition. MySql 5.5
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