URGENT .. Setting up remote Configuration Tool, Please HELP

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URGENT .. Setting up remote Configuration Tool, Please HELP

Post by mohd.documents »

I read the instructions but can not find anything related to what i want to accomplish.

I copied the following text and pasted here and make some changes because it is the same case ..

I would like to set up the remote config tool. My AwareIM server is hosted on a windows VPS inside a data center and is behind a firewall. I would like to set up the config tool on my my windows laptop.

Can anyone confirm to me that this is possible and if so, guide me on what steps I need to take. Is it just a case of opening ports on the firewall?

Also, is it possible to set up the config tool on two machines? ie: on my windows laptop and on my windows desktop?

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Re: URGENT .. Setting up remote Configuration Tool, Please H

Post by ACDC »

You have to remote into your machine in the Datacenter with RDP, if you run local then your DB and App must run local
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Re: URGENT .. Setting up remote Configuration Tool, Please H

Post by mohd.documents »

Thanks, I already have access to the VPS throw remote desktop but here only one will access the server, I need to use my developer license to access AIM from different computers remotely (3 Developers), every computer has a configuration tool with settings to access AIM.
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Re: URGENT .. Setting up remote Configuration Tool, Please H

Post by ACDC »

You have to all be on the same network, the only way to do it remotely is to 3 x RDP into a Datacenter Network - (3 separate VMS on the same subnet in the datacenter )
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Re: URGENT .. Setting up remote Configuration Tool, Please H

Post by johntalbott »

Give this a try ...

Server Firewall rules:
-Allow access to port 61616 for the Public IP address of the developer machine
-Allow access to port 9000 for the Public IP address of the developer machine

Developer machine:
-Add an entry in the hosts file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ hosts

Public IP of server Server machine name
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx aim-server-name
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Re: URGENT .. Setting up remote Configuration Tool, Please H

Post by mohd.documents »

Thank you (johntalbott) for your help, I tried but this not worked, I am wondering if I can make VPN to solve this problem, any suggestions>?
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Re: URGENT .. Setting up remote Configuration Tool, Please H

Post by BLOMASKY »

OK, I do this all the time. The installation guide will help you set it up, but let me summarize
Lets assume your server that is hosting Aware is called S1
On S1
You have to make 2 changes in the BASSERVER.props file. Changing Local host to S1 (documented in the Install guide)
In the hosts table add an entry for the machine with its ip address (not sure if required, but does not hurt

On your corporate firewall, you have to port forward 9000 and 61616 to this computers IP addresss and open both parts to the public

On your client machine, follow instructions in the install guide to change both the UIConfig.props and the configtool.ini
(I suggest you make a copy of your aware install and put it in a new folder just for the client server piece)

no need for a vpn.

Let me know if you need any more help with this.

Bruce Lomasky
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Re: URGENT .. Setting up remote Configuration Tool, Please H

Post by james_richards »

Appreciate the tips!

I'm trying to get this set up on some VM's from Google Compute. Do I need to run my installation .exe which would install a new product code on the VM I want to connect my remote ConfigTool.exe from? I'm guessing that if so, then you just don't run Control Panel from this installation. Or do you copy the files from the server VM to the client VM?

The installation guide said that on the client you want to run the ConfigTool.exe from the installation disk which of course there is no installation disk since I downloaded an installer after purchase.

I confess I have copied my files and getting an error that my connection to localhost port 9000 has been denied. UIconfig.props points WebServer to my computer name that is the server and the firewall rules have been all set up (I think). When I ran ConfigTool.exe there was no prompts which may be because it was not a fresh installation. Will copy the installation guide lines for reference. Just don't want to create a new installation on another machine and violate any license stuff, so been wary of doing this.

3. Under the Windows operating system run the Configuration Tool setup program (ConfigTool.exe) located in the Windows directory of your Aware IM distribution disk from the client machine and follow the instructions of the program. You will need to specify the installation directory of the Configuration Tool and the network name of the server machine. After the Configuration Tool has been installed you can run it from the Startup menu.

4. Add the following line to the file UIConfig.props located in the BIN directory of the installation performed during the previous step (if the line already exists change it):
WebServer = NameOfTheMachineWhereAwareIMServerIsRunning
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Re: URGENT .. Setting up remote Configuration Tool, Please H

Post by BLOMASKY »

I use both a mac and a PC to connect to my remote Aware server, not a problem if you:
1) Do what John said re: opening the 2 ports on your firewall (AND ON YOUR WINDOWS SERVER!). The ones on the firewall have to port forward to your Aware Server

3) Make sure you update the HOSTS table on both machines with the IP address of your Server (assuming name of your server is XYZ then on the server, there should be: XYZ and on your client computer it should be the the PUBLIC address of your server. i.w. XYZ

4.5) Update the 2 lines in the BASSERVER.PROPS on your server changing LOCALHOST to XYZ

6 3/4) Update the UICONFIG.PROPS on your client changing WEBSERVER and HOSTSERVER to XYZ

9.90) DO NOT FORGET TO ADD THE 2 LINES IN YOUR CONFIG.INI in your configtools folder.

And, then, all will work. Double your money back
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Re: URGENT .. Setting up remote Configuration Tool, Please HELP

Post by james_richards »

Decided to share my experience yesterday in setting this up for AWS/EC2. Here are my notes so I can do this again in the future as needed:

Instructions for AWS/EC2
On the Host AwareIM server:

I changed 3 lines in the BASSERVER.props file. Everywhere that made reference to "localhost" I changed to the name of the computer that is my server.

In c:\windows\system32\drivers\ect edited the hosts file to include:

Code: Select all <computer name> #comment
On the firewall for this computer I opened up port 9000 and 61616.

In AWS EC2 - go to Security Groups and add a firewall inbound rule to open ports 9000 and 61616. You can only allow specific IPs to access which you could only allow the IP of the EC2 instance you will create below to connect. (I have not yet tested this but will be implementing this - so unsure yet if I'll need the AWS internal IP or public IP)

In the Config tool - create another user and also turn on Development mode for a business space.


Still in AWS, create another EC2 Instance on the same VPC ID and Subnet ID. This does not have to be in the same security group. We will call this the client.

In c:\windows\system32\drivers\ect edited the hosts file to include:
<public ip of server> <computer name> #this is the name of this computer
(example below)

Code: Select all

55.55.555.555  ComputerNamedRalph #comment here
Copied my AwareIM installation files over. I did not run the installer because I don't really want to create a new trial license. This may bite me in the butt? But I sure hope not.

I copied the text from my ConfigTool.ini from my server and added two lines from the Installation Guide that pertain to linux installations:

Code: Select all

Then in the bin\UIConfig.props file add your server computer name to the following line:

Code: Select all

Login using your second user in the config tool and sip some coffee.
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