Tab ID field

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Tab ID field

Post by PointsWell »

What are valid parameters for the ID field in the open in Tab dialogue box? Are you able to use <<>> as a tab ID?

If I have the operation at the panel (as opposed to record level) and I was creating a new BO where I don't know the record ID at the point I am creating, how do I control that specific tab?
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Re: Tab ID field

Post by BLOMASKY »

This is with my BAD Memory, but I think its just a static string that can be used in the CLOSE TAB expression.

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Re: Tab ID field

Post by PointsWell »

BLOMASKY wrote:This is with my BAD Memory, but I think its just a static string that can be used in the CLOSE TAB expression.

Hmm that suggests it doesn't need to be unique, which begs the question, what's the point of it?
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Re: Tab ID field

Post by BLOMASKY »

The purpose is to give you a name to close a window. I use this so when I open a tab and don't want duplicates, to have my process say CLOSE TAB 'BrucesTab' prior to opening a new tab. (Different from the option to not open multiple tabs).

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Re: Tab ID field

Post by PointsWell »

BLOMASKY wrote:The purpose is to give you a name to close a window. I use this so when I open a tab and don't want duplicates, to have my process say CLOSE TAB 'BrucesTab' prior to opening a new tab. (Different from the option to not open multiple tabs).

Yeah I am just struggling to understand how this works.

For example if I have a grid of Customers with an Operation on Record to open a tab with extended details. If I can only use a string and not a BO Attribute I am limited to calling that ID 'Customer' or some such, if I then open 5 different customers in tabs they would all have the same ID, 'Customer' no? So if I call CLOSE TAB('Customer') does this not close all five of those Tabs?

Seems like this should be parameterised to allow specific tabs to be closed. But if you try that you will get all kinds of parser errors when you run it.
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Re: Tab ID field

Post by BLOMASKY »

I agree, parameterized would give a lot more functionality. Where I use this now, using your example, if I have a customer query and have a button to show their invoices in a new tab, when I go back to the customer tab and select a diff. customer and want to display their invoices, I would 1st close the existing invoice window so I don't have 2 open. If I want to allow more than 1 copy of the invoices file open, then I don't need to have aware close theexisting tab.

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