Dynamic Forms

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Dynamic Forms

Post by customaware »

I am sure I saw something about this some years ago but cant find it...

We need to capability for our users to design their own Data Entry Forms and save, like in a library and
then selectively push them out to other selected users to complete the form filling in the data and then
collating that data and be able to run some analytics etc.

I vaguely remember someone mentioning that they were using a 3rd part online form builder (I was sure it was Rod & Rob)
but cannot find any reference to it now.

Is anybody doing this sort of stuff now?
If so, can you provide a few ideas of how you are accomplishing it.

Would love to hear some good ideas.

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Re: Dynamic Forms

Post by hpl123 »

I know Rob/Rod uses Jotforms a lot so sure they will comment but I worked on something in Aware many moons ago where I basically had a form for the creator user that had all Aware attribute types as checkboxes/dropdowns (with explanation of what it was) and when a creator had selected e.g a "Plain text" and a "Checkbox" these attributes types would then be visible on a reader user form. I used separators and CSS to show/hide the different attribute types in the user form. I can´t remember if I had the option to order the attributes but can be achieved with some tinkering. I then used login URLs that opened up the form directly. I also had the option for the creator to change the label of the attribute in the frontend so if a user wanted to ask something or request information about something in particular they added it there. You can also let the creator user write information notes and use that to explain to the reader user what the attribute is etc. etc..

Not ideal and not like offering a third party form designer etc. integrated into Aware but would have worked for my purposes (ended up never using it actually).
Henrik (V8 Developer Ed. - Windows)
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