Can''t have a Default Operation on a Query that has Drag or Drop defined ?

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Can''t have a Default Operation on a Query that has Drag or Drop defined ?

Post by gernotlg »

Just checking... because it's kind of annoying..

I take it you can't have a Default 'Operation with Records' defined in a Query when also you have Drag or Drop defined on that Query. ??

I mean.. you can have it defined... but it doesn't work ?

Which kinda sux, because it means I need to have a button, when all I want is to show a popup form with more detail when a user selects a record.
If they're dragging the record, well.. that's a different operation anyway..

* Selection involves Clicking & Letting go of mouse button.
* Dragging involves Clicking & Holding down the mouse button (and then moving the mouse)

Why can't we have both ?

I knew programming for the web would suck... there's so many limitations !
V8.8 / Windows / MySQL
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