Operation on Single References -default icons - Change

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Operation on Single References -default icons - Change

Post by ACDC »

I wish to change the default icons on all my single references to better suite the theme
At the moment I am using the "Display image on button" utility on the reference to make the change

Any suggestions on how I could go about doing this so it's a system-wide change, as it is not a simple css change. It seems to be a javascript thing inside aware.js

I tried to extract the javascript in aware.js that seems to be setting this and then placing the .js file in the Custom folder, but have had no luck

Any suggestions will be appreciated
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Re: Operation on Single References -default icons - Change

Post by hpl123 »

Been a while since I tinkered with this but I am fairly sure each of the operations has a CSS class that determines which icon is shown. Use the inspector to find the class name and then override it in a custom CSS file. NB: This would change icon for all operations throughout the app and also potentially in some other unexpected places if that class is used anywhere else. Another advanced option would be writing some JS script that do the changed you want "on the fly" i.e when opening form or whereever you want to change this.
Henrik (V8 Developer Ed. - Windows)
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