Kendo icons that can be used in AwareIM

Contains tips for configurators working with Aware IM
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Kendo icons that can be used in AwareIM

Post by joben »

I just noticed that when you configure the input control (like a search field), you get a few options of the icon class that you can pick from. The default is "k-i-search" which renders the icon of a magnifying glass. I always thought this was Fontawesome, but it is not. Turns out Kendo has its own icon library.

Here is a full documentation with tons of neat icons: ... icon-list/
Regards, Joakim

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Re: Kendo icons that can be used in AwareIM

Post by hpl123 »

Very nice indeed :). I bet we can also add our own HTML snippets using these icons all over Aware applications as the CSS would be loaded "globally" I assume.
Henrik (V8 Developer Ed. - Windows)
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