Visual Perspective

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Visual Perspective

Post by tazzmaxx »

I would like to set up a visual perspective so that the right frame is collapsed when a user enters the visual perspective but allows them to click on it to expand the frame to the maximum size.

I am assuming that this is very simple but I am having difficulty getting this to work.

Any assistance would be appreciated.
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Post by tford »


I don't think it's possible to have a frame initially collapsed at the moment.

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Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:13 pm

Post by tazzmaxx »

Hey Tom,

Thanks for the quick reply.

Aware, is this on your list of changes to the app? If not, is there a limitation in extjs that won't allow a frame to start in a collapsed state?

It would be great to be able to have a boolean selection in the size section of the visual perspective called 'Collapsed on Open' to allow the frame to exist but to be in a collapsed state when the vp is first displayed to the user.

what would be extra cool would be to have the ability to allow users to control the frames based on their own preferences. Some users like to see frame expanded others like to have them collapsed but want to refer to them occasionally.
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Post by aware_support »


is it on your list to purchase a license?

EXT does allow to start a panel in a collapsed state, but there are some bugs there. We may add this feature some time in the future.
Aware IM Support Team
Posts: 125
Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:13 pm

Post by tazzmaxx »

I wouldn't say that it is on my list to purchase a license because I would buy your software today if I had the cash (with or without this modification).

I hope that I can convince my employer or another group to buy it for me so that I can develop an app for them. In the meantime if I can help you improve your product (which would help me and a lot of other users) then I will always throw out my 2 cents.

I'm glad you are considering this change for future development. I will continue to try out your software and get better at it so that I will be able to be proficient if an opportunity comes my way.

Keep making a great product.

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