Outgoing Emails - Attachments

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Post by technopak »

Ok, that's something we can try.

Upgrading to a much newer version brings it's own hazards to anyone with clients' installations who then also need to be upgraded.

I am a bit disappointed that the message seems to be that it just didn't work in older versions - versions as recent as less than a year ago.

If anyone managed to get email attachment functionality working in anything except the current version, I really would like to know how.

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Post by technopak »


It works fine in the latest version and I'll write step by step description of how I implemented it later.

So now I just need to purchase a developer licence for the latest version. I'm a bit annoyed that I must pay to get a functionality to work which was supposed to be part of my original purchase.

I would have been updating at some stage, but my hand is now being forced - and that's not good.

On a positive note, the new version seems to operate significantly faster than previous version.

Well done Aware, but I'm still not happy about being forced to upgrade.

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Post by technopak »

Here's how I did it -

1. Create a Client BO which is an intelligent object with the email channel enabled.

2. Create a BO called ClientEmail.

ClientEmail has standard email attributes Subject, Message, and Attachment1(of type Document). The Main form has attribute fields for those attributes.

2. Create an outgoing email notification called OutgoingEmail.

3. Set the default values of OutgoingEmail.Subject=ClientEmail.Subject and OutgoingEmail.Message=ClientEmail.Message.

4. Create a query called AllClients which lists all Clients. The query can be configured to suit any purpose.

5. Create a process called SendBulkEmail with the following rules -

ENTER ClientEmail USING Main
CREATE OutgoingEmail WITH OutgoingEmail.Attachment1=ClientEmail.Attachment1
SEND OutgoingEmail TO Clients
Display Message 'Email Sent to Selected Clients'

6. Finally run the SendBulkEmail from a menu button.

And that is in the very latest build of version 4.95 :-)

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Post by tford »

Hi Peter,

I know you can attach PDFs in older builds because I used have done so. Sorry I am coming in late on this thread.
Tom - V8.8 build 3137 - MySql / PostGres
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Post by technopak »

Hi Tom,

That's interesting - but how exactly ?

I have previously attached UDDs which are pdf files, could that be what you mean ?

Could it just be that my old build was dodgy ?

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Post by ACDC »

Have you tried to create a rule on the Notification under "When Notification Is Created"

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Post by ACDC »

One of the other obvious things to check (in my case not so obvious, wasted two days trying to debug ) is to check the anti spam filter on the email account.
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Post by rocketman »

rocketman wrote:Hi Rod,

No it's not working for me. I'm trying to send in bulk, so my process is:

CREATE BulkText WITH BulkText.Attachment1=BulkMail.Attachment1,BulkText.Attachment2=BulkMail.Attachment2,BulkText.Attachment3=BulkMail.Attachment3
SEND BulkText TO Members
Happy to report this is working fine in latest version. However it has introduced a new glitch in that - in the original scenario, the email notifcation message was set to initialise to Dear <<Members.Firstname>> <<Bulkmail.Message>> and I used a very simple FIND [some members] then SEND Bulktext to Members

Using the CREATE construct as above, Mail is not being addressed correctly. I just sent out an AGM Calling notice to 152 members, now all called Marie (the first member in the list). Everyone got their attachments but I got a lot of replies saying "Who the hell is Marie?"

I've also tried adding to the CREATE Statement BulkText.Message='Dear '<<Members.Firstname>> + <<BulkMail.Message>>

That didn't work either.

Any ideas?

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Post by RocketRod »

Have you tried doing the create IN BATCHES OF 1?
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Post by Sergej »

I have a rule thats actions are
CREATE Client_Order WITH Client_Order.Attachment1=ThisFilez.Filez
SEND Client_Order TO Filez.Order.Client

It works fine, but outgoing email are not created so these outgoing notifications cannot be viewed my the sender.

So I use rule
CREATE OutgoingEmail WITH OutgoingEmail.Message=Client_Order.Message,OutgoingEmail.Correspondent=Filez.Order.Client,OutgoingEmail.Subject=Client_Order.Subject,OutgoingEmail.State='Sent',OutgoingEmail.Attachment1=ThisFilez.Filez

Now outgoing notifications are saved and accessible but notifications are sent without attachments.


Also I use another process:
ENTER NEW OutgoingEmail WITH OutgoingEmail.Correspondent=SystemUser,OutgoingEmail.SentToAddress=SystemUser.EmailAddress
SEND OutboundEmail TO OutgoingEmail.Correspondent

But it is sent without Attachments.

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Post by rocketman »

I know this is an old post but thought I would just update for the benefit of newcomers to AwareIM.

My original process which did not send attachments was very simple

User composes a piece of mail (BulkMail) uploads any attachments to 3 attributes off the document type (attachment1,2,3)

The process to acually select the recipient and send the mail is started from a process on the form

Process SendMailToAll
PICK ONE OR MORE FROM [membership query]
Send bulktext to members

BulkText had a special message such as

"Dear <<Member.Firstname>>


This simple process sent out mail correctly addressed

I got the attachments working by assigning them using a create statement,

PICK ONE OR MORE FROM [membership query]
Create BulkText with BulkText.Attachment1=BulkMail.attachment1
Send bulktext to members

HOWEVER - adding a CREATE statement somehow clobbered the SEND statement which usually builds the mail notification on the fly and all my 150 members received an email starting with "Dear Marie" (the first member in the list)

To overcome this I simply split the routine into two processes MailWithAttachment1 and MailWithAttachment2

PICK ONE OR MORE FROM [membership query]

MailWithAttachment2 (has BulkMail and Members as process inputs)
Create BulkText with BulkText.Attachment1=BulkMail.attachment1, BulkText.Attachment2=BulkMail.attachment2 (etc)
Send bulktext to members

So now mail is being sent out in bulk, correctly addressed with attachments

V8.7 Developer Edition. Server 2016 Standard edition. MySql 5.5
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