Event Creator

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Event Creator

Post by PEFS »

I am curious about how to tackle the following:

I am looking to generate an Event schedule part to my site. I would like to take advantage of the new calendar feature and have a section in the app that allows users to set up recurring events which would automatically generate records with the appropriate dates and data (event name, details, event number...etc)

Ex. Event Generator

Select Recurring Value (Once, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly)

The following values would be present for each block:

Every 'X' Hours
Start Date/Time
Duration (End Date/Time or 'X' # of occurences)
-Every 'X' Days or...
-Every Workday or...
-Specific Days of the Week (multi-select MON, TUE, WED...etc)
Start Date/Time
Duration (End Date/Time or 'X' # of occurences)
-Specific Days of the Week (multi-select MON, TUE, WED...etc) or...
-Every 'X' Weeks
Start Date/Time
Duration (End Date/Time or 'X' # of occurences)
-Every 'X' Months or...
-Specific Months (JAN, FEB, MAR...etc)
-Select Day of Month (Number) or...
-Drop down for First, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and Day (MON, TUE, WED...etc)
Start Date/Time
Duration (End Date/Time or 'X' # of occurences)

I have tried several attempts at this but I have not been able to generate recurring data in the tables.

Thanks for your help.


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Post by aware_support »

Currently Aware IM does not support recurring events. We will add this support in the next version.
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Post by Hubertus »

Wouldn't it be possible to create such events using a process ? I'm imagining a solution where I start a process from where the user can create an event definition object. After the user has specified when these events take place (Weekdays, start and end date for example)the process takes over again and creates them. I took a look at the "while semantics" in the documentation and this looks to be something useful to me. Am I completly on the wrong way or could it be done with that ?
Thanks for any hints,
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Post by aware_support »

Yes, I guess, Hubertus is right and my reply should have been more detailed in the first place.

You don't even need a process probably. You can have a rule attached to the Event object:

If Event IS NEW AND Event.RecurrenceEndDate < ...

Where the condition would check if the date of the event is still within the recurrence range and the CREATE action would create the next recurring Event (then the rules of the next event would create another one etc).
Aware IM Support Team
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Post by PEFS »

You mentioned:

|Currently Aware IM does not support recurring events. We will add this support in the next version|

Is this still on the roadmap for future development?


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Post by aware_support »

It is on the roadmap but we cannot tell you yet when it will be available.
Aware IM Support Team
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Post by PEFS »

Hey Guys,

I have been trying exhaustively to create recurring events in one of my apps. I had given up after attempting to make the Aware suggestion (from June 30, 2006) work.

Has anyone been able to generate recurring events (or recurring BOs) in Aware? If so, how have you implemented these. I am truly looking to simulate the standard MS Outlook type recurring value standard as most of my users are familiar with this type of calendar entry style.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

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Post by aware_support2 »

Recurring processing is implemented in the Library sample application (see the scheduled processing of overdue loans). In that case the recurrence interval is hardcoded inside a rule. You can take a similar approach but use an object attribute instead to let the users control the interval.
Aware IM Support Team
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Post by PEFS »

Hi Support,

I have probably spent 8-10 hours playing around trying to get one 'recurring' item to work (even with your previous suggestions). I don't mind putting in the time to learn as I know it will help me help others (and myself) but I am really stuck on this one.

It might be that my attempted design is too complex.

Here is what I am attempting:

I have an Account Object which contain details about a Clients account the Account BO allows the administrator to select a Account Order Model which will create the orders for the account, I have an Orders BO that stores all of the Clients orders for that particular Account. The Orders BO is an appointment BO so that Orders can be displayed in a calendar to see which should be shipped on a particular date.

I would like to be able to select that an order should be created for the First Monday of each month (and have the orders created as such) or that orders should be created on each Monday and Wednesday every 2 weeks. I have created a BO called recurrence (which mirrors the available options in the common controls recurring form).

I seem to be able to create a single order but not multiple orders. This is probably very easy but I cannot seem to produce mutiple orders within a set timeframe for the criteria that is selected.

Thanks for your help.

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Post by aware_support2 »


Perhaps you could use a scheduling rule with a condition and a couple of actions. The condition would check the day, time, etc. to determine whether to execute the actions. The first action would find the accounts for which an order need to be created, for example:

FIND Account WHERE ...

The WHERE part may include conditions to compare the required processing day defined as an attribute of Account with the current day to select only the accounts nominated for processing on that particular day. The second action would create an order for each account found by the first action:

CREATE PurchaseOrder FOR EACH Account WITH ...
Aware IM Support Team
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