Anyone interested in Paypal REST Base Inteface from Aware?

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Anyone interested in Paypal REST Base Inteface from Aware?

Post by BenHayat »

Hi guys;

As you may know, Paypal's primary interface has moved to REST API. And as per previous discussions, support has said, in order for any REST API to be connected to, it requires a custom plugin from Awaresoft.

Now my question is, who is interested in a REST API plugin that we can request from Awaresoft to develop it for a fee?
How should we approach it? Should we pitch in to pay for a custom plugin that support most of the Paypal features or should Awaresoft create that as a standalone product, like Gantt or ,Mobile that can be purchased separately?

Please offer your comments and suggestions or willingness, so we can have support to make a decision how, how much and what they can do.

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Re: Anyone interested in Paypal REST Base Inteface from Awar

Post by customaware »

I'm in for $100 USD
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Re: Anyone interested in Paypal REST Base Inteface from Awar

Post by BenHayat »

eagles9999 wrote:I'm in for $100 USD
Me too.
Let's hope to get more more interested people, So support would give it a considerations.
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Re: Anyone interested in Paypal REST Base Inteface from Awar

Post by tford »

I'm interested as well.
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Re: Anyone interested in Paypal REST Base Inteface from Awar

Post by hpl123 »

I might also be interested, It depends how/what we can get the plugin to do. A complete integration i.e. the option to add a creditcard to an Aware app which the Aware app then uses to charge clients via PayPal is what I want/need. This can by the way already be achieved today using Braintree (Braintree own PayPal so the wanted functionality might already exist). A better developed Braintree module could possibly be interesting instead i.e. further develop the Braintree module functionality and also possible integrate it directly in Aware IM if possible because having a reliable, working payment system for our apps is crucial? (and no, the current PayPal solution is IMO not good enough).
Henrik (V8 Developer Ed. - Windows)
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Re: Anyone interested in Paypal REST Base Inteface from Awar

Post by BenHayat »

hpl123 wrote:I might also be interested, It depends how/what we can get the plugin to do. A complete integration i.e. the option to add a creditcard to an Aware app which the Aware app then uses to charge clients via PayPal is what I want/need. This can by the way already be achieved today using Braintree (Braintree own PayPal so the wanted functionality might already exist). A better developed Braintree module could possibly be interesting instead i.e. further develop the Braintree module functionality and also possible integrate it directly in Aware IM if possible because having a reliable, working payment system for our apps is crucial? (and no, the current PayPal solution is IMO not good enough).
So Henrik, are you saying Awaresoft has a plugin for Braintree?
Does Awaresoft charge for that? if yes, how much?
I checked Braintree and says: "2.9% + $.30 per transaction after your first $50K."
But I can't find how they charge BEFORE the first $50K. Any idea?

We really need a solid payment system in Aware,.
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Re: Anyone interested in Paypal REST Base Inteface from Awar

Post by hpl123 »

Yes, there already exists an Braintree plugin that basically connects an Aware IM application with an Braintree account. The creditcard info etc. IS NOT stored in the Aware IM app (making it more secure) but rather the Aware IM app sends the creditcard info to the Braintree vault when first registered. The Aware IM app then afterwards make charges to the saved card via the Braintree API.

I have an Braintree account etc. but not charging users yet for the particular app where I use it so can´t give you any details about the usage, performance etc. but it should work nicely. I know there is another developer that actively use it in his app but can´t remember who it was but if you read this please share a comment or two. Awaresoft charges for the plugin and the cost is also determined if I recall correctly to what your requirements in your app is.

Regarding the fees etc. Braintree determines a fee per application and is part of their merchant account application process but it is typically a % per transaction (can´t remember what I pay but a couple of percent somewhere).

Again, having a fully functional payment integration is crucial and having the Braintree plugin further developed is something I would rather chip in on. Examples of further developed functionality might be:
- Status message integration i.e. enable Aware IM app to get and work with Braintree status messages for example when making transactions, when cards are about to expire etc. etc.
- Better integration between Aware IM and Braintree i.e. the ability to get more info FROM Braintree when needed (not like today where it´s only possible to send creditcard info and make transactions) and possible also send more info, update cards etc. etc.
- Integrate the Braintree plugin NATIVELY in Aware IM if possible so all developers can use it and basically only needs an Braintree account to get it up and running.
- Surely other useful stuff i´m forgetting.
Henrik (V8 Developer Ed. - Windows)
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Re: Anyone interested in Paypal REST Base Inteface from Awar

Post by BenHayat »

hpl123 wrote: - Integrate the Braintree plugin NATIVELY in Aware IM if possible so all developers can use it and basically only needs an Braintree account to get it up and running.
Henrik, greatly appreciate your input. I'm also hoping this becomes part of Aware natively with more features. This will attract more developers to use Aware for SaaS application. Payment processing is an integral part of SaaS application.

I have to make a decision to either start simple with Paypal version and then move to Braintree plugin or start with Braintree.

Thank you again.
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Re: Anyone interested in Paypal REST Base Inteface from Awar

Post by hpl123 »

I agree, having a complete payment system in Aware is important. Regarding the Braintree VS PayPal (current implementation) choice, go with Braintree. Better solution by far.

Regarding previous discussion in this post, I am still interested in looking into further developing the Braintree plugin. Is anyone else interested in this? Please write your thoughts. Thanks
Henrik (V8 Developer Ed. - Windows)
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Re: Anyone interested in Paypal REST Base Inteface from Awar

Post by customaware »

I have had a personal Paypal account for years. But I have just spent weeks trying to set up a Paypal Merchant account.

I am ready to shoot myself in the head.

Their resolution center comes back to you requesting further documents and info which I have answered... done. They dump a couple of small transactions
in your account which you need to respond to them with the values deposited... done.

Resolution Center says.... waiting on more info but does not tell you what.... Click "find out what is issue is restricting your account" just takes you back to the
same page.

For such an organisation... it is lamentably unprofessional.

Have sent emails.... no response.

I am done with them...

Have now approached Braintree and will see what comes of that.

Grrrrrr! >:-(
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Re: Anyone interested in Paypal REST Base Inteface from Awar

Post by BenHayat »

hpl123 wrote:Ben,
I agree, having a complete payment system in Aware is important. Regarding the Braintree VS PayPal (current implementation) choice, go with Braintree. Better solution by far.

Regarding previous discussion in this post, I am still interested in looking into further developing the Braintree plugin. Is anyone else interested in this? Please write your thoughts. Thanks
I just found out from Support that the plugin that Aware has for Braintree, does not support accepting payment if someone has Paypal account, only Credit card. That's a bummer.
But with the current Paypal system in Aware, a user can pay, by Paypal, Credit or debit card. That is very important.

Unless we can ask Support to add it now for a fee and those of interested split the cost.

For those who want the current plugin to have Paypal added, please state below, so I can ask Support what would be the final cost for each one of us to buy a copy from Awaresoft. I need to have the number of people to give to Support so they can then tell each one of us what to pay them.
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Re: Anyone interested in Paypal REST Base Inteface from Awar

Post by BenHayat »

Who is interested? Give us your name.

Well guys, I ran the idea by Support about adding Paypal Acceptance to Plugin besides CC, and for those of us willing to buy it, Support will tell us what the total cost of the plugin would be and each of us make payment to support and then they start the work.

Please state your name below if you want a copy, so we have a number of people to give to support. This idea of using Braintree is much more cost effective than building a Paypal REST base from scratch. Thanks to Henrik for bringing up Braintree plugin.
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Re: Anyone interested in Paypal REST Base Inteface from Awar

Post by customaware »

Mark Bailey - $100
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Re: Anyone interested in Paypal REST Base Inteface from Awar

Post by BenHayat »

eagles9999 wrote:Mark Bailey - $100
Mark at this point don't know what to total price would be. We need to provide # of interested parties to Support and based on the work involved, they will tell us what each package will cost. So $ figure is irrelevant at this point. We just need how many people.

Thanks for quick response!
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Re: Anyone interested in Paypal REST Base Inteface from Awar

Post by weblike »

I'm interested, too... A good payment system is highly necessary in our days :)
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