Error filling a report

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Error filling a report

Post by rocketman »

I created a new report - done many times in the past. This new report throws an error

Error filling report ../DocTemplates/FFDEMO_1.6/DocTemplates/161/161/05454006609046779_RDDoc5790228926545830797.rdd java.lang.ClassCastException java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to java.lang.Number

I don't have any boolean fields in the report.

The report contents are determined at runtime, and in the context should be a list of flights for a club member going back 2 years (from the log viewer, I know this is picking up the required number of flight records + one member)

In the "Detail" Section I have a number of tag elements that COUNT and SUM certain element giving a two year, one year, six month and three month analysis of a members flying activity. Below are typical

<<COUNT FlightLog WHERE (FlightLog.P1Refer.LoginName=Members.LoginName AND FlightLog.FLDATE >= DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE,-365))>>

<<SUM FlightLog.FlightDuration WHERE (FlightLog.P1Refer.LoginName=Members.LoginName AND FlightLog.FLDATE >= DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE,-365))>>

The calling process is:
FIND Members WHERE Members.LoginName=?'Membership Number'
FIND FlightLog WHERE (FlightLog.P1Refer.LoginName=Members.LoginName OR FlightLog.P2Refer.LoginName=Members.LoginName) AND FlightLog.FLDATE >= DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE,-730)

Can anyone help?

V8.7 Developer Edition. Server 2016 Standard edition. MySql 5.5
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