REST service and big numbers, "out of range value", int and bigint

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REST service and big numbers, "out of range value", int and bigint

Post by joben »

When getting data from a REST service and your try to store large numbers in a number attribute, you might run into this error:
numbererror.png (8.97 KiB) Viewed 31910 times

There are at least two ways to solve the problem.
One way is storing it in a plain text attribute (string). This is the easiest way, but not so user friendly if you intend to do calculations with the number later on.

Another way is changing how the value is stored in the database. The default is "int", but you can change it to "bigint":
bigint.png (68.32 KiB) Viewed 31910 times
Regards, Joakim

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