A more involved type of manual for Rules/Relationships

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A more involved type of manual for Rules/Relationships

Post by numberz »

I've watched videos, read documentation and experimented.
But the time that it takes me to accomplish things in this manner vs having someone else do it for me is excruciating.

Please, one or more of you, come out with something meatier. I've been shown by some of you, things that are not in any documentation and I wonder always, where this knowledge came from.

So yes, practice is wonderful but when ya run a business and have time limits on how much time you can practice, it gets old.
A deeper level documentation with images would be wonderful.
Regards and thanks,
Harry Carter
Posts: 6
Joined: Tue Apr 26, 2016 11:02 pm

Re: A more involved type of manual for Rules/Relationships

Post by jktb75 »

Hi numberz, If you need help with advanced developing and Styling you need an advanced Progremer. Feel free to contact me for advanced design and develop
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