Generating Documentation
Once you have finished configuring your application you can get the Configuration Tool to automatically generate the documentation for it. The generated documentation is represented by a number of HTML pages, which include an overview page from which you can navigate to all other pages of the documentation. In addition you can generate a document in the Microsoft Word format (.doc).
Pages of the generated documentation contain descriptions of all business objects, processes, business rules and other configuration elements defined in the business space version. The description of any element contains all the information configured for the element – for example, the description of a business object contains the description of its attributes, services etc.
To generate documentation for a particular business space version:
- Click on the node representing the business space version in the Elements Tree to select it and then select “Version/Generate Documentation” from the menu. Alternatively right click on the node representing the business space version in the Elements Tree and select “Generate Documentation” from the pop-up menu.
- In the Direction Selection Dialog that appears specify the directory where all the documentation files will be written.
- After the Configuration Tool finishes generating the HTML documentation it will ask whether you want to generate the documentation in the Microsoft Word format.
- To view the HTML documentation open the configuration.html file in the specified directory.