Handling Logout Events

It may be necessary for your application to execute certain rules when a user logs out. For example, your application may collect the statistics of how many users are online or how many users have been using the system.

If you want to handle the logout events in your application you need to define a special logout notification and attach rules to this notification – see Adding/Editing Rules.

To add the logout notification to the business space version:

  1. Right click on the “Notifications” node of the business space version in the Elements Tree to bring up the pop-up menu.
  2. Select the “Add Logout Notification” command from the pop-up menu (it will be greyed out if the logout notification has already been added). A new notification with the predefined name LogoutNotification will appear in the Elements Tree.

The logout notification has a special structure that you cannot change (you can define other attributes but you cannot change the existing ones). This structure includes the LoginName attribute. The value of this attribute contains the name of the user logging out. You can check the value of this attribute in the rules attached to this notification and perform the appropriate actions if required.

To turn off handling of the logout events in the business space version delete the LogoutNotification from the Elements Tree – see Adding/Editing Configuration Elements.

See also Handling Login Events.

  • Last modified: 2022/09/13 18:15